Blue Ming Tiger Cubs dances are described below.


Calligraphy of Yong with Red Fan 练字瑶 红扇舞

This unique dance blends calligraphy with the Kong Fu Fan (traditional folding fan). It features the Chinese character “永” (Yong), which consists of eight strokes—simple yet beautiful, flexible yet strong.

Through this performance, the boys aim to enhance the appreciation of Chinese calligraphy. The lively rhythm and dynamic movements are designed to captivate and inspire children to explore the art of calligraphy and delve deeper into China’s rich heritage.



Fearless 霍元甲

This hip-hop dance honors the legendary Chinese martial artist Huo Yuanjia, an historical figure renowned for his contributions to martial arts. Huo Yuanjia, who lived approximately 150 years ago, is celebrated as both a master of Kung Fu and a national hero. He founded a unique style of martial arts and earned widespread respect for his skill and bravery. During a time of foreign aggression in China he defended his country by defeating numerous foreign fighters. The dance features a background track that blends traditional Chinese music with rap. The choreography incorporates elements of both martial arts and hip-hop, creating a dynamic fusion that pays homage to Huo Yuanjia's legacy.


Good Luck Comes 好运来

This vibrant and joyful dance is called "Good Luck Comes." It embodies the festive spirit and New Year's blessings, wishing everyone an abundance of good fortune and positive energy throughout the year, with continued success and happiness.


Horsemen and Eagles 走马和雄鹰

For over a thousand years the Mongolian people have lived on the vast prairies of Northern China. Today’s Mongolians continue to uphold many of their traditional customs and cultural practices. These include writing in Manchu script, wearing long garments, and engaging in sports such as archery and horse riding. They also cherish singing long songs, playing the horsehead fiddle, and, of course, dancing. Mongolian dance embodies the nomadic spirit and a deep connection with nature. The dances are both graceful and energetic, often imitating the movements of animals. There are numerous types of Mongolian folk dance. This performance combines two popular male dances: the Walking Horse and the Eagle Dance.


Lion Dance 狮子舞

Lion dance is a festive performance symbolizing good fortune, commonly seen during festivals and events. It involves two performers: one operates the lion's head, while the other, dressed in a lion skin, supports from behind. The performance begins with playful movements like "scratching" and "rolling," followed by more majestic, martial arts-inspired moves. Accompanied by percussion, the dance isn't strictly tied to the music's rhythm. There are two main styles: southern and northern. The southern lion dance, or "awakening lion dance," features unique movements and lacks a lion leader, unlike the northern style.


Listen to Mama 听妈妈的话

Jay Chou’s parents are divorced, and he lives with his mother. Recognizing the sacrifices she made in raising him, he wanted to show his gratitude and spread positive energy through his music. To this end, he composed this song. Featuring an R&B melody, the song’s lyrics are heartfelt and sincere: “The hardships mom endures go unseen, the warmth of her care is in her heart, take the time to hold her hand, and dream together…” The tender lyrics contrast with Jay Chou’s usual rebellious image, showcasing his playful and humorous side. The song highlights his unique, warm style, offering a genuine and unpretentious expression of his deep affection for his mother.

The dance style is free and unrestrained. The simple and powerful movements combined with lighthearted and humorous elements make the whole dance atmosphere more lively and cheerful.

周杰伦父母离异,平时和母亲生活在一起,感到母亲为了教育孩子十分辛苦,为了表示对母亲的孝顺,也是为了传递正能量,教育大家学会孝顺,周杰伦创作了这首歌曲。这首歌曲是R&B曲调,但歌词句句真切,“妈妈的辛苦不让你看见,温暖的食谱在她心里面,有空就多多握握她的手,把手牵着一起梦游……”温暖的歌词颠覆了周杰伦以往留给人们的不羁形象, 浅显易懂的歌词里显露出周杰伦孩子气的俏皮幽默,周杰伦最独特的温馨风格,真挚动人不矫情作态,字里行间表达了周董对妈妈的深厚感情。


March of the Elephant King 象王行

This dance symbolizes the nobility of Buddhism, embodying immense power tempered with caution, and representing wisdom in action. It reflects the grandeur of Chinese civilization spanning 5,000 years and conveys the principle of advancing and retreating with moderation, acting with strength but without recklessness. The choreography integrates elements of sword dance, Kung Fu, dragons, and red fan dance, accompanied by traditional instruments such as drums, erhu, and guzheng. It balances tension and relaxation, hardness with softness, gentle movements with strength.

象王行为佛教高贵之象征,力大无比但行事谨慎,象征行事时的智慧。象王行其奏出了中华五千年文明的波澜壮阔。象王行寓意进退有度,力刚而行事不莽。此象王行编舞结合了剑舞,舞龙,中国功夫,红扇舞还加入了中国大鼓,二胡和古筝,一张一弛,刚柔并济、柔中带钢 ,通过古典舞的韵律和音乐的磅礴势相结合,其舞蹈既有柔情似水的一面,也有豪情壮志的另一面,为观众带来了一场视觉与听觉的双重盛宴。

Subject Three 科目三

This captivating dance, known as Ke Mu San or Subject 3, has taken China by storm and rapidly spread worldwide, gracing major professional dance and theatrical stages.

Contrary to popular belief, Ke Mu San’s origins are not linked to marketing strategies of the well-known hot pot chain Haidilao. Instead, it was created in Guangxi, China, by Zhu Kaihong, who developed the quirky moves to enliven a friend’s wedding.

The dance gained widespread recognition when a netizen performed it with enthusiasm on Chinese TikTok after passing his Subject 3 driving test. His exuberant celebration and catchy song choice turned the dance into a viral phenomenon.

Ke Mu San is characterized by its unique choreography, which, while seemingly simple, is surprisingly intricate and requires significant energy. Its playful movements and infectious energy have captivated people of all ages around the world, inspiring many to add their own interpretations and contribute to its global popularity.





The Sword Dance 剑舞

Sword dance, also known as swordplay dance, is a traditional Han Chinese dance from the Tang and Song dynasties, performed with a sword. This dance involves the use of a short sword equipped with a mechanism between the hilt and the blade, allowing the performer to swing and rotate the sword freely. The rhythmic sounds produced by the sword complement the graceful movements of the dance, creating an atmosphere of combat. The dance is performed to a rhythm known as "daling."

剑舞又称剑器舞,是唐宋时期的汉族舞蹈,因执剑器而舞。 作为手持短剑表演的舞蹈。 短剑的剑柄与剑体之间有活动装置,表演者可自由甩动、 旋转短剑,使其发出有规律的音响,与优美的舞姿相辅相成,造成一种战斗气氛。 舞蹈节奏为“打令”。